336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
소스가 간단해서 분석이 쉬울줄 알았는데 왠걸 젠장...
interrupt가 복병.. interrupt에서 중요한일은 다 하기때문에
I2C도 잘 모르는 상황에서 시간을 좀 잡아먹을듯 싶다
I2C를 잘 모른다면 먼저 S3C2240 Datasheet에서 I2C부분 읽어볼것을 추천



          rCIGCTRL |= (1<<31); //camera interface software reset


             rCIGCTRL &= ~(1<<31);



rCLKCON |= (1<<19);         //Control HCLK into Camera enable




void CamPortSet(void)


                          save_GPJCON = rGPJCON;

                          save_GPJDAT = rGPJDAT;

                          save_GPJUP = rGPJUP;


                          rGPJCON = 0x2aaaaaa;     // 0010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010

                                                             // GPJ CAM으로 set

                          rGPJDAT = 0;                   // Data register 0으로 초기화

                          rGPJUP = 0;                     // GPJ pull-up




ChangeUPllValue(60, 4, 1);              // UPLL clock = 96MHz, PLL input 16.9344MHz


void ChangeUPllValue(int mdiv,int pdiv,int sdiv)


    rUPLLCON = (mdiv<<12) | (pdiv<<4) | sdiv;  




rCLKDIVN|=(1<<3);            // UCLK 48MHz setting for UPLL 96MHz

// 0:48MHz, 1:24MHz, 2:16MHz, 3:12MHz...

                                        // Camera clock = UPLL/[(CAMCLK_DIV+1)X2]


             switch(USED_CAM_TYPE)             // USED_CAM_TYPE = 5


             case CAM_AU70H :

                           if (AU70H_VIDEO_SIZE==1152)

                                        SetCAMClockDivider(CAMCLK24000000); //Set Camera Clock for SXGA

                           if (AU70H_VIDEO_SIZE==640)

                                        SetCAMClockDivider(CAMCLK16000000); //Set Camera Clock for VGA


             case CAM_S5X3A1 :

                           SetCAMClockDivider(CAMCLK24000000); //Set Camera Clock for SXGA


             default :              // 24MHz

                           SetCAMClockDivider(CAMCLK24000000); //Set Camera Clock 24MHz s5x532, ov7620


void SetCAMClockDivider(int divn) // CAMCLK24000000 = 5


             rCAMDIVN = (rCAMDIVN & ~(0xf))|(1<<4)|(divn); // CAMCLK is divided..




                           //Uart_Printf("rCAMDIVN : 0x%x\n", rCAMDIVN);        //0x11





// Initializing camera module

CamModuleReset(); // s5x532 must do this..


void CamModuleReset(void)


             switch(USED_CAM_TYPE)             //USED_CAM_TYPE = 5


             case CAM_OV7620 : // reset - active high

             case CAM_S5X532 : // reset - active low, but H/W inverted.. so, in this case active high

             case CAM_S5X433 : // reset - active low, but H/W inverted.. so, in this case active high

             case CAM_S5X3A1 : // reset - active low, but H/W inverted.. so, in this case active high

                           rCIGCTRL |= (1<<30);          //external camera reset high


                           rCIGCTRL &= ~(1<<30);     //external camera reset low


             case CAM_AU70H : // reset - active low


             case CAM_MICRON: // reset - active low CAM_MICRON = 5


             default :

                          //CIGCTRL [30] : External camera processor reset or power down

                           rCIGCTRL &= ~(1<<30);     //external camera reset low


                           rCIGCTRL |= (1<<30);        //external camera reset high






Delay(500); // ready time of s5x433, s5x532 IIC interface. needed...



int CameraModuleSetting(void)


             unsigned int i, j, save_E, save_PE, RegAddr, RegData;

             static U8 rdata[256];

             int donestatus;



             //void IicPortSet(void)


             //           save_GPECON = rGPECON;

             //           rGPECON = rGPECON & ~(0xf<<28) | (0xa<<28);

             //                                                               //GPE15:IICSDA , GPE14:IICSCL     

             //}                                                              //IIICSDA : IIC-bus data

                                                                              //IICSCL : IIC-bus clock

             // for camera init, added by junon

             pISR_IIC = (unsigned)Cam_IICInt;                 //explain two rows




             rINTMSK &= ~(BIT_IIC);


             //Enable ACK, Prescaler IICCLK=PCLK/512,

             //Enable interrupt, Transmit clock value Tx clock=IICCLK/16

             rIICCON  = (1<<7) | (1<<6) | (1<<5) | (0x3);


             rIICADD  = 0x10;                    //24A0 slave address = [7:1]

             rIICSTAT = 0x10;                    //IIC bus data output enable(Rx/Tx)

             rIICLC = (1<<2)|(3);                                     // SDAOUT has 5clock cycle delay







//           Camera_ReadBlock();



             return donestatus;




void __irq Cam_IICInt(void)



#if REBIS            //REBIS = 1


             U32        iicSt, i;



             //#define              ClearPending(bit) {\           //BIT_IIC = 0x1 << 27

             //                         rSRCPND = bit;\  //INT_IIC Requested(Source pending register)

             //                         rINTPND = bit;\    //INT_IIC Requested(Interrupt pending register)

             //                         rINTPND;\

             //           }           


             iicSt   = rIICSTAT;

             rINTMSK |= BIT_IIC;


             if(iicSt & 0x8){}           //When bus arbitration is failed.

             if(iicSt & 0x4){}           //When a slave address is matched with IICADD

             if(iicSt & 0x2){}           //When a slave address is 0000000b

             if(iicSt & 0x1){}           //When ACK isn't received


             switch( _CAMiicMode )


                           case CAMRDDATA:          

                                        if( (_CAMiicDataCount--) == 0 )       // case by I2C_Read16 or Rd_CamIIC


                                                     _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++] = rIICDS;


                                                     rIICSTAT = 0x90;  // Stop MasRx condition

                                                                                           // Rx/Tx Enable & Master receive mode

                                                     rIICCON               = 0xEF;  // Resuems IIC operation.

                                                                                           //prescaler? Tx clock = IICLK/(15 + 1)

                                                                                           // No interrupt pending

                                                                                           // IIC-Bus Tx/Rx interrupt enable

                                                                                           // IICCLK = fPCLK/512

                                                                                           // IIC-bus acknowledge enable

                                                     Delay(1);             // Wait until stop condtion is in effect., Too long time... 

                                                                              //# need the time 2440:Delay(1), 24A0: Delay(2)

                                                                                // The pending bit will not be set after issuing stop condition.



                                        _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++] = rIICDS;     //The last data has to be read with no ack.

                                                                 //IICDS : Multi-master IIC-bus transmit/receive data shift register

                                        if( (_CAMiicDataCount) == 0 )


                                                     rIICCON = 0x6F;   // Resumes IIC operation with NOACK

                                                                              //in case of S5X532 Camera.

                                                                              //prescaler? Tx clock = IICLK/(15 + 1)

                                                                              // No interrupt pending

                                                                              // IIC-Bus Tx/Rx interrupt enable

                                                                              // IICCLK = fPCLK/512

                                                                              // IIC-bus acknowledge disable




                                                     rIICCON = 0xEF;  // Resumes IIC operaton with ACK.




                           case CAMWRDATA:                       //case by I2C_Write16 or Wr_CamIIC

                                        if( (_CAMiicDataCount--) == 0 )


                                                     rIICSTAT = 0xD0;  // stop MasTx condition

                                                     rIICCON               = 0xEF;  // resumes IIC operation.

                                                     Delay(1);             // wait until stop condtion is in effect.

                                                                              // # need the time 2440:Delay(1), 24A0: Delay(2)

                                                                               // The pending bit will not be set after issuing stop condition.




                                        rIICDS    = _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++];        //_iicData[0] has dummy.

                                        for(i=0;i<10;i++);                                         //for setup time until rising edge of IICSCL

                                        rIICCON  = 0xEF;                                         //resumes IIC operation.



                           case CAMSETRDADDR:                // case by I2C_Read16 or Rd_CamIIC

                          // Uart_Printf("[S%d]",_iicDataCount);

                                        if( (_CAMiicDataCount--) == 0 )


                                                     rIICSTAT = 0xD0;  //stop MasTx condition

                                                     rIICCON               = 0xEF;  //resumes IIC operation.

                                                     Delay(1);                           //wait until stop condtion is in effect.

                                                     break;                  //IIC operation is stopped because of IICCON[4]   



                                        rIICDS    = _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++];

                                        for(i=0;i<10;i++);          //for setup time until rising edge of IICSCL

                                        rIICCON  = 0xEF;          //resumes IIC operation.






             rINTMSK &= ~BIT_IIC;


#else      // #if REBIS


             U32 iicSt,i;



             iicSt   = rIICSTAT;

             rINTMSK |= BIT_IIC;


             if(iicSt & 0x8){}           //When bus arbitration is failed.

             if(iicSt & 0x4){}           //When a slave address is matched with IICADD

             if(iicSt & 0x2){}           //When a slave address is 0000000b

             if(iicSt & 0x1){}           //When ACK isn't received


             switch(_CAMiicMode) {

                           case CAMRDDATA:

                                        if((_CAMiicDataCount--)==0) {

                                                     _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++] = rIICDS;


                                                     rIICSTAT = 0x90;      //Stop MasRx condition

                                                     rIICCON  &= ~(1<<4);      //Resumes IIC operation.

                                                     Delay(1);             //Wait until stop condtion is in effect., Too long time... 

                                                                              // # need the time 2440:Delay(1), 24A0: Delay(2)

                                                                                //The pending bit will not be set after issuing stop condition.



                                        _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++] = rIICDS;     //The last data has to be read with no ack.



                                                     rIICCON &= ~((1<<7)|(1<<4));          //Resumes IIC operation with NOACK

                                                                                                        // in case of S5X532 Cameara 

//                                                   rIICCON = 0x6f;                              //Resumes IIC operation with NOACK

                                                                                                        // in case of S5X532 Cameara        


                                                     rIICCON &= ~(1<<4);         // Resumes IIC operation with ACK

                                                                                           // No interrupt pending


                           case CAMWRDATA:

                                        if((_CAMiicDataCount--)==0) {

                                                     rIICSTAT = 0xd0;                //stop MasTx condition

                                                     rIICCON  &= ~(1<<4);                //resumes IIC operation.

                                                     Delay(1);             // wait until stop condtion is in effect.

                                                                              // # need the time 2440:Delay(1), 24A0: Delay(2)

                                                                  //The pending bit will not be set after issuing stop condition.



                                        rIICDS = _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++];        //_iicData[0] has dummy.

                                        for(i=0;i<10;i++);                  //for setup time until rising edge of IICSCL

                                                     rIICCON &= ~(1<<4);                     //resumes IIC operation.


                           case CAMSETRDADDR: //Uart_Printf("[S%d]",_iicDataCount);

                                        if((_CAMiicDataCount--)==0) {

                                                     rIICSTAT = 0xd0;                //stop MasTx condition

                                                     rIICCON  &= ~(1<<4);                //resumes IIC operation.

                                                     Delay(1);      //wait until stop condtion is in effect.


                                                     break;                  //IIC operation is stopped because of IICCON[4]   


                                        rIICDS = _CAMiicData[_CAMiicPt++];

                                        for(i=0;i<10;i++);          //for setup time until rising edge of IICSCL

                                                     rIICCON &= ~(1<<4);             //resumes IIC operation.






             rINTMSK &= ~BIT_IIC;


#endif    //           #if REBIS #else





void Camera_WriteByte(void)





             U32 RegAddr;

             U16 RegData;


             Uart_Printf("Input Write Register Address of %s\n=>", CAM_NAME);

             RegAddr = (U32)Uart_GetIntNum();


             Uart_Printf("Input Write Transfer Data into %s\n=>", CAM_NAME);

             RegData = (U16)Uart_GetIntNum();


             I2C_Write16( CAM_ID, RegAddr, RegData );




             unsigned int i, j, save_E, save_PE, RegAddr, RegData, pageNo;



             Uart_Printf("Input Write Page No of %s\n=>", CAM_NAME);

             pageNo = (U8)Uart_GetIntNum();



             Uart_Printf("Input Write Register Address of %s\n=>", CAM_NAME);

             RegAddr = (U8)Uart_GetIntNum();


             Uart_Printf("Input Write Transfer Data into %s\n=>", CAM_NAME);

             RegData = (U8)Uart_GetIntNum();



             Wr_CamIIC(CAM_ID, (U8)0xec, pageNo);  // set Page no


             Wr_CamIIC(CAM_ID, (U8)RegAddr, RegData); // set register after setting page number


#endif    //           #if REBIS #else







void SetCAMClockDivider(int divn) // CAMCLK24000000 == 5


             rCAMDIVN = (rCAMDIVN & ~(0xf))|(1<<4)|(divn); // CAMCLK is divided..




Uart_Printf("Initializing end...\n");

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